Providing online customer service thorough chat plays an important role in establishing good customer relationship, increasing customer confidence and loyalty. Potential customers can experience fast and quick service through online customer service. The ease of handling the chat based online customer service makes it far more effective than email or phone based customer service. Through online customer service, businesses can effectively target the potential customers and have greater chances of lead conversion. A single chat representative can also effectively chat with number of clients at one time thereby reducing operational costs substantially.
Providing online customer service is also a very secure mode of doing transactions. The potential customers can easily purchase items, perform transactions with credit card, lodge complaints, and make inquiries etc. Online customer service also enables chat representatives to directly target potential customers, exercise their sales skills and increase the chances of sale. Online customer service establishes a direct real-time communication link that is useful to target the small segment of customer who actually makes a purchase in the end.
Online chat service also supports additional helpful features like sharing of display screens and forwarding screens to the customer that result in greater level of customer satisfaction and increasing reputation of the business.